Monday, September 04, 2006


Through the window I can hear the sound of crickets, a basketball bouncing and the garbled chatter of a couple of young boys.

A breeze passes through the trees every now and then and, in the distance, I can hear the sound of sirens.

My home is too warm for sleep right now. The summer, much anticipated a few months ago, is welcome to leave in exchange for the rich colors and cool temps of Fall.

On the bike ride in to work a few days ago, I felt a chill that felt unfamiliar for a very brief moment and then the feel changed to that of being with an old friend. The air, a bit more moist than normal carried a very faint odor of decaying leaves...memories of jumping, arms open wide, into a big pile of leaves filled my mind.

I'll miss the crickets when they go wherever they go for the cooler seasons. I'll welcome all the senses can sense in their place.


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